Liam Lee18143

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Natural Gout Home Remedy: The Simple Gout Prevention Diet

Did you know that gout is more serious than its symptoms? Heat, pain, redness, stiffness, swelling on affected area, arthritis symptoms, and loss of sleep are all symptoms of gout. However, did you know that gout can be a life-threatening disease if left untreated? Gout can also cause the 'silent killer' disease of high blood pressure and the painful disease of kidney stones. Simply baring the agony should NEVER be an option for gout. Your life could be at stake!

Fortunately, you can treat gout naturally without even making a $100 trip to the hospital. How? A great starting point is to change your diet with some simple tips to keep you gout-free!

A Simple Gout Prevention Diet

1. Mooo! You need to immediately starting consuming more LOW-FAT dairy products.

2. Purines are BAD! Avoid foods with high purines (When purines break down in body they form uric acid which causes gout.) Typical high purine foods include: red meats, kidneys, liver, tripe and tongue. Fish have also been linked to causing gout!

3. Don't eat those veggies! What? Well, some vegetable are high in purines (uric acid) and therefore should not be touched: beans, lentils, asparagus, mushrooms, spinach and peas.

4. Water is better than Alcohol! Again, What? You should try to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day and watch the alcohol consumption. If you do decide to drink alcohol, no more than one drink a night!

5. Pass the Fruit! Fruits are high in Vitamin C which is great to prevent gout! You might also want to consider 'gout-fighting' Vitamin C supplements!

6. Cut some calories! Did you know that Americans generally eat twice the amount that is needed during a typical day? Look around you and see how overweight we have become and more prone to gout. Cutting 50 calories a meal will add up to around 15-20 pounds a year! So switch to diet soda, watch the condiments, easy on the chocolate, and you know the rest! With time, gout symptoms will become less and less.

7. Go for a walk! Being overweight can lead to higher levels of uric acid in your blood (cause of gout). Go for a walk each night or join a fitness club. Start out slow and have fun!

8. Weight Train! It is easier than you think! If you join a health club, you will see how easy it is to learn how to lift some weights. Simply, look at the posters on the wall and give it a try! Everybody had to learn sometime or another so do not be embarrassed! Besides, if you choose to lift some weights, you will most likely burn more calories than walking/running because of the body repairing your muscles throughout the whole day! A hard body is a gout-free body!

But Wait, There's More

Congratulations! You have just saved yourself $100 and have learned how to begin treating gout yourself! In fact, gout is a disease that you can control naturally by simply choosing the right foods, exercising, and even choosing the right herbs/fruits/food when a gout attack arises! That is right! There is a natural gout remedy for gout attacks that works in minutes. Learn about more gout prevention tips on our Cure Your Gout Website and see how thousands of people have saved hundreds of dollars and treated their gout!

Cure Your Gout Website

Joe Barton writes for Barton Publishing Inc., a natural health company specializing in educating people of safe, affordable natural remedies. To see how you can naturally treat your gout in minutes, guaranteed!

Cure Your Gout Website

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